Featured Case Studies (2)
CASE STUDY 4: Youth for Christ Lebanon
Youth For Christ (YFC) Lebanon seeks to equip, educate, and restore shalom while sharing the love and peace of Christ with young people from diverse backgrounds, including refugees. They do this through several avenues. Peace and reconciliation is at the center of all that they do. Through one specific program —Ambassadors of Peace — they offer a unique opportunity for children and youth of different races, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, and religions to come together in a very powerful way.
Devastating impact resulting from accelerated climate change, including drought and famine, are especially evident in such vulnerable areas such as the Sahel Region in Africa.
CASE STUDY 5: OneWay Ministries
There perhaps is no greater challenge currently facing all of humanity than the climate change emergency. The realities of climate change, especially in vulnerable and developing areas, pose both risk and the opportunity for the global evangelical church and its ministries that operate in Africa. OneWay Ministries is a US-based organization with seven missions and media ministries focused on “helping people help people” by “reaching the lost and rallying the church”. With many of their operations focused specifically in Ghana, how can the OneWay Ministries best love, care, and walk alongside the communities and regions they currently serve in light of potential climate change risks?
Case Study 6: Rahab Uganda
There are an estimated 27.6 million victims of human trafficking worldwide at any given time. In Uganda, communities are not exempt from this global crisis. This study explores how the Development as Freedom theory addresses disempowerment as lack of the awareness of choice. Through business and economic skills training, this organization supports women in choosing their life-paths—believing that the choice of what to do in their lives is the beginning of dignity and honor.