Please refer to this usage note as a guide for this case study.

Module One - Rahab Uganda Intro

Rahab Uganda is a Ugandan registered NGO that works to restore hope and confidence to young girls rescued from human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Founded in 2005, Rahab Uganda follows a rescue, rehabilitate and reintegration model that empowers young women survivors to proactively engage in personal transformation. Explore module one.

Module Two - Development as Freedom Approach

The Development as Freedom theory by Amartya Sen entered the conversation and countered early ideas of development by concluding that poverty was not only an economic issue, but the result of the deprivation of human freedoms or capabilities. According to Sen, human wellbeing can be judged by the capabilities and freedom a person has to live the kind of life they value (Sen, 1999). When these freedoms are compromised by oppressive individuals or systems, vulnerable populations often lack the capabilities and awareness of choice to escape cycles of marginalization. Explore module two.

Module Three - Choice as a Means of Empowerment

Rahab Uganda has a deeply interpersonal and holistic approach in the rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of young women affected by sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Their extensive interventions and supportive programs not only meet the womens’ physical and psychological needs, but work towards breaking the cycles of relapse through empowerment, education and business skills training. We explore considering the Photovoice methodology as an additional approach to providing personal awareness of values and interests as a means of the women choosing their business enterprise or life-path. Explore module three.