Please refer to this usage note as a guide for this case study.

Module One - MCC Context and Peacemaking Efforts

This module introduces MCC and how their organization is pursuing peace. We Interview Eric Kurtz and discuss just what is it that MCC is doing differently. We examine the “Do no Harm” Framework and look at other resources that help understand MCC’s approach to cross-cultural program design. We explore and define questions like, “What is peacemaking?” “How does one go about changing a community and resolving issues"?” “What is MCC doing already?” Explore more in Module One.

Module Two - Do No Harm Framework and Telos Peacemaking Principles and Practices

Mary Anderson’s “Do No Harm” framework was created to find local capacities for peace. It walks through 7 steps for implementing peacemaking programs. Though this is thorough, the Telos Principles and Practices for peace is a great supplemental tool that can better aid in simple steps towards community peacebuilding. We learn from Eric Kurtz about a problem he sees within the communities in the United States: welcoming and finding peace among international neighbors. How can MCC simply apply these practices to their peacemaking framework? Explore module two.

Module Three - Merging the Desire for Peace and Community Implimentation

Is it possible for MCC to help communities to better welcome newcomers and strive towards peace in everyday life through these principles and practices? Explore module three.