Research & Presentations
My research explores people and institutions across sectors aimed at advancing the public good. Much of this work employs mixed methods, with a prevalence of qualitative and cross-cultural projects. Please view my C.V. for a complete list of work.
Herzog, Patricia Snell and Jamie Goodwin. Forthcoming 2019. “Generosity in Action: Benefiting the Collective Good.” In Patricia Snell Herzog, The Science of Generosity: Manifestations, Causes, and Consequences. Palgrave Macmillan, accepted for publication with release in December 2019.
National Study on Congregations’ Economic Practices
Global Philanthropy Environment Index
Indiana Community Action Agencies Report
Global Learning in Indiana Schools
Scholarly Articles
The Double Character of U.S. Protestantism and Philanthropy. Religions.(September 2018)
Other Publications
Crossing the border between helping and being helped: Informal Giving and the U.S. Immigrant Crisis
Informal Networks of Generosity are Supporting Asylum Seekers on Both Sides of the Border
Hispanic philanthropy and the moral imagination
The Benefits of International Exchange
(2019) “The Double Character of Cuban Protestantism and Philanthropy.” Paper presentation, International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Latin American Conference, Medellin, July 4.
(2019) “Meaning Making During Emerging Adulthood: Is Developing a Prosocial Orientation Part of Becoming an Adult?” Paper presentation, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR), St. Louis, October 25.
(2019) “Meaning Making During Emerging Adulthood: Is Developing a Prosocial Orientation Part of Becoming an Adult?” Paper presentation, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Assocations, San Diego, November 21.
(2019) “The Double Character of Cuban Protestantism and Philanthropy.” Paper presentation, ARNOVA, San Diego, November 21.
(2019) “International Engagement of U.S. Congregations: Findings from the 2019 NSCEP Study” Paper presentation, ARNOVA, San Diego, November 21.
(2018). “Effects of teamwork on the fundraiser experience.” Paper presentation, ISTR International Conference, Amsterdam, July 10.
(2017). “Are two heads better than one? Effects of working as a team vs. alone on fundraising effectiveness and fundraiser satisfaction.” Paper presentation, ARNOVA National Conference, Grand Rapids, Nov. 16.