Please refer to this usage note as a guide for this case study.

Module One - Introduction to Care Net

This module introduces Care Net, the largest network of faith-based pregnancy resource centers in the United States. Care Net empowers women and men considering abortion to choose life for their unborn children and find abundant life in Christ. Care Net affirms that life decisions need life support and seeks to equip the local church in discipling its congregants on how to come alongside those faced with unplanned pregnancies. Explore module one.

Module Two - Concept of Human Development Theory

Human Development Theory explains that in the expansion of people’s freedoms and the enlargement of people’s choices, there is greater freedom to live long, healthy, and creative lives (UNDP, 1990). The relationships and networks people have can be a major factor in connecting them to opportunities (Cook, 2019). The connection to relationships outside of their traditional social circles provided by Care Net allows for positive connections and the potential transference of social capital, which in turn enlarges choices, leading to development. Explore module two.

Module Three - The Church Volunteer Base

Care Net is currently expanding the work they do with churches across the country in an effort to increase the positive life outcomes for the women and families they serve. Their goal is to layer support to their national network of pregnancy resource centers, allowing for all women seeking community to have access to a quality local church-led life-on-life discipleship program. Key relationships outside of their traditional social circles can, at times, allow for new positive connections and the potential transference of social capital that can enlarge choices, leading to otherwise unavailable opportunities for development. Explore module three.