Please refer to this usage note as a guide for this case study.

Module One - Mennonite Central Committee Intro

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) acts as a ministry of the Anabaptist tradition, working in disaster relief, humanitarian aid, and peacebuilding around the globe. Helping communities around the world mitigate and adapt to the devastating effects of climate change is one of their primary initiatives. Explore module one.

Module Two - Concept of Translocal Learning and Development

Translocal learning promotes shared learning across multiple communities, utilizing diversity as a learning resource. It values local perspectives and action, transcending national borders, and is influenced by social learning theory (Basu et al., 2023) Explore module two.

Module Three - Supplementing localization with translocal learning

MCC already exemplifies championing local beneficiaries’ and local stakeholders’ initiation and ownership of needed community interventions to climate change. We explore considering a trans-local learning approach as an additional avenue to reinforce best local practices while borrowing from similar communities with adjacent goals. Though finding a balance of keeping work community-driven and championing the best practices elsewhere can be fraught with challenges, it could provide additional success as beneficiaries navigate the effects of climate change. Explore module three.